My cousin's place in Stockton April '00

Cathy loving her new home.

Playing tennis at a nearby park.

Cathy showing good form.

Alina carrying the soccer ball home. (We also played soccer at the park, and wore ourselves out.)

Tessala throwing a perfect spiral -- she doesn't take after her dad in that respect!

Claudet trying to get Alina and Tessala wet in the pool.

Moments later, she got in herself so she could do a proper job of it.

Cathy and Camilia watched from a safe distance.

Later on, we went to celebrate the Baha'i Resvan festival at Donna's house. (Left to right: Cathy, Ramin, Sonny, and Donna.)

Claudet with Donna's daughter, Carol.

Cathy enjoying herself.

Cathy and I engaged in a serious conversation.

See, I can enjoy myself, too!

Inge and France with their daughter, Catherina.


Tessala giving one of her famous smiles.

Alina shows she can do it, too.

The many (scary) faces of Ramin.

Our sweet hostess, Donna.

As I recall, we had to go just shortly after this photo was taken.

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