Family July '99

Alina with some of the shells she collected at Crab Cove in Alameda.

Tessala with her shell collection.

Some twirling wind-flower socks at the Berkeley Marina on July 4th.

The view of the fireworks from the Marina.

My firework viewers.

Alina and Tessala have recently become bike-brains.

Tessala is particularly rabid about it. I never mention to anyone that it took her two years to get off training wheels.

I often join in on my roller blades.

As always, Beanies abound. (Parents of girls will know what I'm talking about.)

Is that the same horsie from the other picture? Beanie-heads want to know!

Alina is very good with children, and enjoys playing with them sometimes at the little park across the street.

I don't know if it shows, but Alina was crying for help at this point. Dad, of course, had to get a picture first.

One of the things Tessala likes to do is balance. She takes after me in that respect.

Tessala also likes to occupy the only swing at the park.

Tessala making me a "cake" for my birthday. "Yum."

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